Friday, January 13, 2012

Greetings for the first time to all viewing forHim!

Greetings to you all,

In the world today we are faced with so many different cultures, points of view and so many interests.  Quite fascinating when you think about it. Sometimes problems arise when we may want to discuss our views with others.  On this blog I would like to present a place where we can discuss our world views in a family friendly way.  

Up front you need to know that I believe that Jesus Christ is the one an only Son of God. I believe that the Bible is the word of God and is true through and through.  I respect your right to believe how you wish.  I am open to hear what you have to say as long as it is done without foul or abusive language.  

With that said welcome and I am looking forward to hearing from you all.

Dave Clemmer


  1. I was given a new Bible. “The Apologetics Study Bible” in the CSB version. I am excited. I have considered the purchase of one for sometime and now that I have it I wish I would have gotten one earlier.

    It makes sense that the first search that I start would be on Apologetics itself. Reading in 1 Philippians 1 – 11 we find that Paul is writing to the saints in Philippi. I think it is exciting that he gives thanks for every remembrance of them and praying for them in his prayers. He speaks of their partnership in the gospel and says that he is sure the He who started a good work in them would be faithful to complete it.

    He goes on to say that he is right to say this because he has them in his heart. He prays that their love will keep them growing in knowledge and discernment so that they can discern what really matters and so they can be pure and blameless in the day of Christ and be filled with the fruit of righteousness.

    Wow, good stuff amen. I have met a lot of folks over the years and many of us have talked about Jesus and what He means to us. I have done a pretty lousy job of sharing in a respectful and gentle way. That was my heart as I wash sharing but I am not sure it always came out that way. My prayer is that God will continue that good work in me and as I share in the future that first I will allow Him to give me the words to speak and the heart to speak them with.

    Excited to see what God is doing around us today and going forward.

  2. God has shown up at work this week. As Cnristians we are to be the salt of the earth. If you pray for God to use you and for you to make a difference He will. If you pray for God to help you to be faithful and keep up the good fight He will. It is absolutely amazing how faithful He is to His promise. Have a good and great day as you bless God.

  3. Part 1

    Had a conversation with someone the other day that got me thinking. If people think that everyone uses filthy language except when they are in church, or all folks have sex outside of marriage, or all men look at porn and all women really want bad guys who treat them badly, then no wonder society is the way it is. If women really think that the only way to get someone’s attention is to look like they are in a movie or a TV ad and men think that in order to be a man they have to treat women like some kind of an object to throw away when they are tired of it, no wonder we have the problems we have. If everyone is doing drugs and has an arrest record. If there is no fun without doing things that do not please God and if people believe that the folks in the church are just like folks outside the church except on Sunday (or whenever they get around to attending church) no wonder people say the church is full of hypocrites. If everyone who says they are Christians (85% in the US) meet the criteria just laid out in the paragraph above no wonder the churches across the country have attendance problems.

    `No wonder there have been over 54 million babies killed in the US since the middle seventies. Everyone is doing it, right? No wonder there are so many drug and alcohol addictions. The media sells it. Alcohol at all the parties with all the good looking rich people having fun. If you do not want to have to deal with unwanted pregnancy take a morning after pill. It is your right. If you want to lose weight now they have plans where you can take one pill without any exercise and lose all the weight you want. You can have the color hair you want and a spray on tan.

    If you can’t get a job that pays what you want go on welfare for a year or two. If you have a trial in your life ask a Christian friend to pray for you and its all good. You really do not have to pray or spend any time with God just have a friend do it for you. If you con enough people you might be able to get a good paying job without even being qualified. Hey you have to look out for number one right?

    You don’t like abortion but you do not want to step on anyone’s feet just send a check in quietly and ignore the issue when it comes up. Whatever you do, don’t go to a fund raiser. If you do that you will be seen and possible labeled as intolerant. Might hurt you if you decide to run for politics or get a job at the local law firm.

  4. Part 2

    Chameleon? That’s those folks who change with the situation they are in. At church they look like a Christian, at work they are professional and at home they can become just another spouse or child abuser. Maybe they are just another addict that is sucking the money and the joy out of their family and friends. They will tell you they are adults they are on their own. Yep. When you look deep you will see the phone the rent the car are all in someone else’s name because they never stood on their own feet and paid the price to be and independent adult. Talking about hypocrites!

    Not sure how many made it this far but here is the rest of the story. Christians are not perfect but they are forgiven A Christian is someone who loves God and has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The bible actually says if you love God you will keep His commandments. I will let you ponder that one. I will admit no one is perfect, least of all me and it is a struggle to make it through the day. I do things I should not and I don’t do things I should. I have to spend time with my Savior and I have to pay the consequences for that, amen. But if you think there is no one who is living a Christian life, think again. Just cause all the people you hang out with talk and act like the devil does not mean all folks do. I think that is your excuse to justify whatever you want. The sad part is that there will come a day when you will answer as we all will. It won’t be so funny and you won’t even try to make an excuse for your actions.

    Some of us will leave this earth without a chance to make things right. Will that be you? Is the life style you are leading really all that much fun? I bet you are missing something. I know you are. I hope and pray you find it...

    If you are one of the 85% of the people in the US who claim to be Christian but are not, cease and desist. The bible says it is better to tie a millstone around your neck and throw yourself in the river than to cause your brother to fall.
    Talk to God, read the word and pray. Find a true believer to encourage you in your daily walk. If you don’t like the church, fall in love with Jesus and that will change. If you don’t fall in love with Jesus, when eternity future comes you will wish you had and that regret will last forever.

